Martin Magnuson's webpage

Associate Professor/Biträdande Professor
Thin Film Physics Group, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping - Sweden.


Materials Science Research by Investigation of Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding

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Martin Magnuson performing RIXS measurements at the ADRESS beamline at the Swiss Light Source (SLS), Villigen in 2015.The aim of this research area is to perform fundamental investigations of the electronic structure and chemical bonding for the development of new materials with improved properties. The studies are part of the generally application-inspired fundamental research at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) with processes, materials and phenomena that are also relevant to industry. Experimental work using advanced x-ray spectroscopies with synchrotron radiation is combined with integrated computational materials engineering for interpretation of the experimental data.

Materials of current interest are:

New 2D materials e.g., MXenes

A prominent example of interesting nanolaminates are so-called MAX-phases, which are either hexagonal ternary carbides or nitrides. The MAX-phases are known to exhibit a remarkable combination of chemical, physical and mechanical properties including e.g., high electrical and thermal conductivity, high strength, high dissociation temperature, corrosion resistance, low friction, resistance to thermal shock and easy machinability. An objective is to investigate the anisotropy characteristics in the electronic structure of so-called MXenes, a new family of 2D ceramic crystals derived from MAX-phases.

Amorphous carbides

The objective of this work is to investigate the electronic structure in amorphous nanocomposite carbides and metallic glasses. A differentiation between the largely unknown electronic occupation of orbitals and bond strengths in octahedral and prismatic coordination in the interior of amorphous nanocomposites in comparison to single crystal materials using bulk-sensitive and element-selective x-ray spectroscopies are made. The knowledge aims to facilitate synthesis of novel amorphous materials and metallic glasses for hard coatings and electrical contacts on the atomic scale, and also serve as important tests of stochastic quenching density functional theory (SQ-DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, enabling development of improved theoretical methods.

Strongly correlated materials

An objective is to explore low-energy excitations and charge-transfer processes in strongly correlated systems such as H-Tc superconductors and Colossal Magnetoresistance materials. The temperature-induced metal-insulator phase transitions and changes in the electronic structures at phase transitions are studied. The studies have impact on the fundamental understanding of electron correlations in relation to crystallographic direction-dependent physical properties such as conductivity.

Wide band-gap nitrides

This research aims to explore the development of the width of the band-gap and anisotropy in the electronic structure of wide band-gap nitrides by investigating the hybridization and orbital overlap of the containing elements. The investigations have impact on future studies on other complex doped, ordered, and alloyed systems, e.g., temperature-dependent low-energy excitations and charge-transfer mechanisms and related inherently nano-laminated materials with temperature-dependent orbital occupations.


The purpose is to increase the understanding of how Au can be extracted and purified in a more environmentally friendly way from host minerals. The project will also facilitate environmentally friendly recycling of Au and explain how it can best be used and reused in various applications in modern electronics and solar cells. We use modern spectroscopic techniques to investigate chemical bonds in Au-containing minerals to improve the environment for the miners. The aim is to examine the crystal and electronic structures of the Au-related host minerals quartz, pyrite, pyrrhotite, magnetite, arsenopyrite, hematite, ilmenite, and chalcopyrite in comparison with pure and contaminated gold grains that depend on the geological conditions under which they were formed. We determine which crystal structures, chemical bonding, grain sizes, vacancies, dislocations, and impurities of the minerals enabling them to form metallic and covalent chemical bonds with gold atoms.

Research Tools

Experimental techniques

X-ray spectroscopy: soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS or SXA), X-ray Raman scattering or Soft x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES or SXE), Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Extended X-ray Fine Structure Spectroscopy (EXAFS), X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD). Most of the spectroscopic research is based on measurements at synchrotron radiation facilities.

Calculational methods

Density functional theory (Wien2k, Exciting, FEFF, CASTEP in Materials Modelling), Crystal-field, ligand-field and charge-transfer multiplet calculations in SIAM.


The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten); VINNOVA and The Carl Tryggers Foundation (CTS).

Recent publications

  1. Physico-thermal and geochemical behavior and alteration of the Au indicator gangue hydrothermal quartz at the Kubi Gold Ore Deposits
    Gabriel K. Nzulu, Lina Rogström, Jun Lu, Hans Högberg, Per Eklund, Lars Hultman, and Martin Magnuson;
    J. Afr. Earth Sci.
    220 105439 (2024). DOI:
    Fulltext in AES Fulltext in DiVA Researchgate
  2. Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of epitaxial Sc1-xVxNy thin films grown on MgO(001)
    Susmita Chowdhury, Niraj Kumar Singh, Sanath Kumar Honnali, Grzegorz Greczynski, Per Eklund, Arnaud le Febvrier, and Martin Magnuson;
    Phys. Rev. B
    110 115139 (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.115139
    Fulltext in PRB Fulltext in DiVA Fulltext in Researchgate Fulltext in ArXiV
  3. Synthesis of goldene comprising single-atom layer gold
    Shun Kashiwaya, Yuchen Shi, Jun Lu, Davide G. Sangiovanni, Grzegorz Greczynski, Martin Magnuson, Mike Andersson, Johanna Rosen, Lars Hultman;
    Nature Synthesis
    3 (2024). DOI:
    Fulltext in DiVA Nature Synthesis Researchgate
  4. Chemical Reactivity and Alteration of Pyrite Mineral in the Kubi Gold Concession in Ghana
    Gabriel K. Nzulu, Hans Högberg, Per Eklund, Lars Hultman, Prosper M. Nude, Abu Yaya and Martin Magnuson;
    Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration
    41 1013-1023, (2024). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in MM&E Researchgate
  5. Local structure of hydrated nanocrystalline films of the proton conductor BaZr1-xScxO3-x/2 studied by infrared spectroscopy
    E. Naumovska, G. K. Nzulu, L. Mazzei, A. L. Febvrier, K. Komander, M. Magnuson, M. Wolff, P. Eklund, M. Karlsson;
    Vibrational Spectroscopy
    130, 103622, (2024). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in Vibr. Spec.
  6. Stoichiometry Effects on the Chemical Ordering and Superconducting Properties in TiZrTaNbNx Refractory High Entropy Nitrides
    Rui Shu, Xiaofu Zhang, Ferenc Tasnadi, Weine Olovsson, Smita G. Rao, Grzegorz Greczynski, Arnaud le Febvrier, Martin Magnuson, and Per Eklund;
    Annalen der Physik
    2300470, (2023). DOI: 10.1002/andp.202300470
    Full text in DiVA Full text in Ann. Phys. Full text in Researchgate
  7. Thermoelectric properties and electronic structure of Cr(Mo,V)Nx thin films studied by synchrotron and lab-based x-ray spectroscopy
    Susmita Chowdhury, Victor Hjort, Rui Shu, Grzegorz Greczynski, Arnaud le Febvrier, Per Eklund, and Martin Magnuson;
    Phys. Rev. B
    108, 205134, (2023). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in Phys. Rev. B Full text in ArXiV Researchgate
  8. Remarkable Thermochromism in the Double Perovskite Cs2NaFeCl6
    Fuxiang Ji, Johan Klarbring, Bin Zhang, Feng Wang, Linqin Wang, Xiaohe Miao, Weihua Ning, Muyi Zhang, Xinyi Cai, Babak Bakhit, Martin Magnuson, Xiaoming Ren, Licheng Sun, Mats Fahlman, Irina A. Buyanova, Weimin M. Chen, Sergei I. Simak, Igor A. Abrikosov, Feng Gao;
    Adv. Optical Mater.
    2301102, 1-9, (2023). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in Adv. Optical Mater. Researchgate
  9. Pathfinder elements and indicator minerals of Au from the Kubi Gold ore deposits in Ghana
    Gabriel K. Nzulu, Hans Högberg, Per Eklund, Lars Hultman, Prosper M. Nude, Abu Yaya, and Martin Magnuson;
    Environ. Earth Sci.
    82:386, 1-11, (2023). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in Environ. Earth Sci. Researchgate
  10. The Origin of Ti 1s XANES Main Edge Shifts and EXAFS Oscillations in the Energy Storage Materials Ti2CTx and Ti3C2Tx MXenes
    Lars-Åke Näslund and Martin Magnuson;
    2D Mater.
    10, 035024, (2023). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in 2D Mater Full text in ArXiV Researchgate
  11. Growth and thermal stability of Sc-doped BaZrO3 thin films deposited on single crystal substrates
    Gabriel K. Nzulu, Elena Naumovska, Maths Karlsson, Per Eklund, Martin Magnuson and Arnaud le Febvrier;
    Thin Solid Films
    772, 139803, (2023). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in TSF Researchgate
  12. Corrigendum: Crystallization characteristics and chemical bonding properties of nickel carbide thin film nanocomposites
    A. Furlan, J. Lu, L. Hultman, U. Jansson, M. Magnuson;
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
    35, 139501, (2023). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in JPCM Researchgate
  13. Structural changes in Ti1-xAlxN coatings during turning: A XANES and EXAFS study of worn tools
    Lina Rogström, M. Moreno, J. Andersson, M. Johansson-Jöesaar, M. Oden, K. Klementiev, Lars-Åke Näslund, Martin Magnuson;
    Applied Surface Science
    612, 155907, (2023). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in ASS Full text in ArXiV Researchgate
  14. Rhombohedral and Turbostratic Boron Nitride Polytypes Investigated by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
    Weine Olovsson and Martin Magnuson;
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry
    126, 21101-21108, (2022). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in JPCC Full text in ArXiV Researchgate
  15. Review of Transition-Metal Diboride Thin Films
    Martin Magnuson, Lars Hultman, and Hans Högberg;
    Vacuum (invited review)
    196, 110567, (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2021.110567
    Full text in DiVA Full text in Vacuum Full text in ArXiV Researchgate
  16. Elucidating Pathfinding Elements from the Kubi Gold Mine in Ghana
    Gabriel K. Nzulu, Babak Bakhit, Hans Högberg, Lars Hultman, and Martin Magnuson;
    11, 912 (2021). DOI: 10.3390/min11090912
    Full text in DiVA Full text in Minerals Full text in ArXiV Researchgate
  17. Chemical Bonding of Termination Species in 2D Carbides Investigated through Valence Band UPS/XPS of Ti3C2Tx MXene
    Lars-Åke Näslund, Mikko Mikkela, Esko Kokkonen, and Martin Magnuson;
    2D Materials
    8, 045026 (2021). DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/ac1ea9
    Full text in DiVA Full text in 2DM Full text in ArXiV News at MAX IV
  18. Influence of Metal Substitution and Ion Energy on Microstructure Evolution of High-Entropy Nitride (TiZrTaMe)N1-x (Me = Hf, Nb, Mo, or Cr) Films
    Rui Shu, Daniel Lundin, Binbin Xin, Mauricio A Sortica, Daniel Primetzhofer, Martin Magnuson, Arnaud le Febvrier, and Per Eklund;
    ACS Appl. Electron. Mater.
    3, 2748-2756 (2021). DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.1c00311
    Full text in DiVA Full text in ACS
  19. Characterization and identification of Au pathfinder minerals from an artisanal mine site using X-ray diffraction
    Gabriel Nzulu, Per Eklund, and Martin Magnuson;
    J. Mat. Sci.
    56, 05681 (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s10853-020-05681-5
    Full text in DiVA Full text in JMS Researchgate Full text in ArXiV Preprint Kudos
  20. Local chemical bonding and structural properties in Ti3AlC2 MAX phase and Ti3C2Tx MXene probed by Ti 1s X-ray absorption spectroscopy
    Martin Magnuson, and Lars-Åke Näslund;
    Phys. Rev. Research
    2, 033516 (2020). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.033516
    Full text in DiVA Full text in PRR Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Preprint Kudos MAX IV news MAX IV news LiU news
  21. Interface bonding of Zr1-xAlxN nanocomposites investigated by X-ray spectroscopies and first principles calculations
    Martin Magnuson, Weine Olovsson, Naureen Ghafoor, Magnus Oden, and Lars Hultman;
    Phys. Rev. Research
    2, 013328 (2020). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013328
    Full text in DiVA Full text in PRR Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Preprint Kudos
  22. Magnetic anisotropy in Cr2GeC investigated by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and ab initio calculations
    Martin Magnuson and Maurizio Mattesini;
    J. Magn. Magn. Mat.
    501, 166470 (2020). DOI:10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.166470
    Full text in DiVA Full text in JMMM Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Preprint Kudos
  23. Reactive magnetron sputtering of tungsten target in krypton/trimethylboron atmosphere
    Martin Magnuson, Lina Tengdelius, Fredrik Eriksson, Mattias Samuelsson, Esteban Broitman, Grzegorz Greczynski, Lars Hultman, and Hans Högberg;
    Thin Solid Films
    688, 137384-8 (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2019.06.034
    Full text in DiVA Full text in TSF Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Preprint Kudos
  24. Vibrational Effects in X-ray Absorption Spectra of 2D Layered Materials
    Weine Olovsson, Teruyasu Mizoguchi, Martin Magnuson, Stefan Kontur, Olle Hellman, Isao Tanaka, and Claudia Draxl;
    J. Phys. Chem. C
    123, 9688-96 (2019). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b00179
    Full text in DiVA Full text in JPCC Full text in ArXiV Preprint Kudos
  25. Compositional dependence of epitaxial Tin+1SiCn MAX-phase thin films grown from a Ti3SiC2 compound target
    Martin Magnuson, Lina Tengdelius, Grzegorz Greczynski, Fredrik Eriksson, Jens Jensen, Jun Lu, Mattias Samuelsson, Per Eklund, Lars Hultman, Hans Högberg;
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A.
    37, 021506 (2019). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in JVSTA Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Mendeley Preprint Kudos
  26. Electronic Structure of β-Ta Films from X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and First-principles Calculations
    Martin Magnuson, Grzegorz Greczynski, Fredrik Eriksson, Lars Hultman, and Hans Högberg;
    Applied Surface Science
    470, 607-612 (2019). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in ASS Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Mendeley Preprint Kudos
  27. Chemical Bonding in Carbide MXene Nanosheets
    Martin Magnuson, Joseph Halim and Lars-Åke Näslund;
    J. Elec. Spec.
    224, 27-32 (2018). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA Full text in JES Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Mendeley Preprint Kudos
  28. Polarization-Dependent Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Study at the Cu L and O K-Edges of YBa2Cu3O7-x
    Martin Magnuson, Thorsten Schmitt and Laurent C. Duda;
    J. Elec. Spec.
    224, 38-44 (2018). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA LiU Full text in DiVA UU Full text in JES Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Mendeley Preprint Kudos
  29. Chemical Bonding in Epitaxial ZrB2 Studied by X-ray Spectroscopy
    Martin Magnuson, Lina Tengdelius, Grzegorz Greczynski, Lars Hultman, and Hans Högberg;
    Thin Solid Films
    649, 89-96 (2018).
    Full text in DiVA Full text in TSF Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Preprint Kudos
  30. Bonding Structures of ZrHx Thin Films by X-ray Spectroscopy
    Martin Magnuson, Fredrik Eriksson, Lars Hultman, and Hans Högberg;
    J. Phys. Chem. C
    121, 25750 (2017). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b03223
    Full text in DiVA Full text in JPCC Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Preprint Kudos
  31. Electronic Properties and Bonding in ZrHx Thin Films Investigated by Valence-Band X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
    Martin Magnuson, Susann Schmidt, Lars Hultman, and Hans Högberg;
    Phys. Rev. B
    96, 195103 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.195103
    Full text in DiVA Full text in PRB Full text in ArXiV Preprint Researchgate
  32. Chemical Bonding and Electronic-Structure in MAX Phases as Viewed by X-ray Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory
    Martin Magnuson and Maurizio Mattesini;
    Thin Solid Films (invited review)
    621, 108-130 (2017). DOI:
    Full text in Diva Full text in TSF Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Preprint Audioslides
  33. Induced Magnetism at the Interfaces of a Fe/V Superlattice Investigated by Resonant Magnetic X-ray Scattering
    Martin Magnuson;
    J. Magn. Magn. Phen.
    422, 362 (2016). DOI:
    Full text in Diva Full text in JMMM Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Preprint Audioslides
  34. Structure and Bonding in Amorphous Cr1-xCx Nanocomposite Thin Films: X-ray Absorption Spectra and First-Principles Calculations
    Weine Olovsson, Björn Alling and Martin Magnuson;
    J. Phys. Chem. C.
    120, 12890 (2016). DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b03608
    Full text in Diva Full text in JPCC Full text in ArXiV Preprint Researchgate
  35. The Origin of Anisotropy and High Density of States in the Electronic Structure of Cr2GeC by Means of Polarized Soft X-ray Spectroscopy and ab initio Calculations
    Martin Magnuson, Maurizio Mattesini, Matthieu Bugnet and Per Eklund;
    J. Phys. Cond. Mat.
    27, 415501 (2015). DOI:10.1088/0953-8984/27/41/415501
    Full text in DiVA Full text in ArXiv Full text in JPCM Preprint Researchgate
  36. Structure and Bonding in Amorphous Iron Carbide Thin Films
    Andrej Furlan, Ulf Jansson, Jun Lu, Lars Hultman and Martin Magnuson;
    J. Phys. Cond. Mat.
    27, 045002 (2015). DOI:10.1088/0953-8984/27/4/045002
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Full text in JPCM Preprint Reseachgate Mendeley
  37. Self-Doping Processes Between Planes and Chains in the Metal-to-Superconductor Transition of YBa2Cu3O6.9
    Martin Magnuson, Thorsten Schmitt, Vladimir N. Strocov, Justna Schlappa, Alex S. Kalabukhov and Laurent Duda;
    Scientific Reports
    4, 7017 (2014). DOI:10.1038/srep07017
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text SciRep ArXiV Preprint Reseachgate Mendeley LiU Press Sv UU Press Sv Chalmers Pr Eng Sci. daily Mat. Today Chem. Eur.
  38. Crystallization Characteristics and Chemical Bonding Properties of Nickel Carbide Thin Film Nanocomposites
    Andrej Furlan, Jun Lu, Lars Hultman, Ulf Jansson and Martin Magnuson;
    J. Phys. Cond. Mat.
    26 , 415501 (2014). DOI:10.1088/0953-8984/26/41/415501
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Full text in JPCM Researchgate Mendeley
  39. Strain Sensitivity in the Nitrogen 1s NEXAFS Spectra of Gallium Nitride
    Andrew Ritchie, Shaylin Eger, Chelsey Wright, Daniel Chelladurai, Cuyler Borrowman, Weine Olovsson, Martin Magnuson, Jai Verma, Debdeep Jena, Huili Grace Xing, Christian Dubuc, Stephen Urquhart;
    Applied Surface Science,
    316 , 232 (2014). DOI:
    Full text in Diva Full text in ArXiV Preprint Full text in ASS Researchgate Mendeley
  40. Electronic Correlation Effects in the Cr2GeC Mn+1AXn Phase
    Maurizio Mattesini and Martin Magnuson;
    J. Phys. Cond. Mat.
    25 , 035601 (2013). DOI:10.1088/0953-8984/25/3/035601
    Full text in Diva Full text in ArXiV Preprint Full text in JPCM Mendeley Researchgate
  41. The Electronic-Structure Origin of the Anisotropic Thermopower of Nanolaminated Ti3SiC2 Determined by Polarized X-ray Spectroscopy and Seebeck Measurements
    M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, Ngo Van Nong, P. Eklund and L. Hultman;
    Phys. Rev. B
    85 , 195134 (2012). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.195134
    Full text in Diva Full text in ArXiV Preprint Phys. Rev. B Mendeley Researchgate News Radio news
  42. Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding of Amorphous Chromium Carbide Thin Films
    M. Magnuson, M. Andersson, J. Lu, L. Hultman and U. Jansson;
    J. Phys. - Cond. Mat.
    24 , 225004 (2012). DOI:10.1088/0953-8984/24/22/225004
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint J. Phys. C. Mat. J. Phys. C. M. Ad Mendeley Researchgate News in Sw. News in Eng.
  43. Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Study on the Dielectric Function of Bulk Ti2AlN, Ti2AlC, Nb2AlC, NbTiAlC, and Ti3GeC2 MAX Phases
    A. Mendoza-Galván, M. Rybka, K. Järrendahl, H. Arwin, M. Magnuson, L. Hultman and M. Barsoum;
    J. Appl. Phys.
    109 , 013530 (2011). DOI:10.1063/1.3525648
    Full text in Diva J. Appl. Phys. Mendeley
  44. Mapping the Frontier Electronic Structures of Triphenylaminae Based Organic Dyes at TiO2 Interfaces
    M. Hahlin, M. Odelius, M. Magnuson, E. M. J. Johansson, S. Plogmaker, D. P. Hagberg, L. Sun, H. Siegbahn and H. Rensmo;
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
    13 , 3534 (2011). DOI: | doi:10.1039/C0CP01491E
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU PCCP Mendeley
  45. Electronic Structure of GaN and Ga Investigated by Soft X-ray Spectroscopy and First Principles Methods
    M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, C. Höglund, J. Birch, and L. Hultman;
    Phys. Rev. B
    81 , 085125 (2010). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.085125
    Full text in Diva Phys. Rev. B Full text MS2E Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate
  46. Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding of nc-TiC/a-C Nanocomposites
    M. Magnuson, Erik Lewin, Lars Hultman and Ulf Jansson;
    Phys. Rev. B
    80 , 235108 (2009). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.80.235108
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text MS2E Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev. B News
  47. Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding Anisotropy Investigation in Wurtzite AlN
    M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, C. Höglund, J. Birch and L. Hultman;
    Phys. Rev. B
    80 , 155105 (2009). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.80.155105
    Full text in Diva Full text MS2E Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev. B
  48. Elastic properties and electro-structural correlations in ternary scandium-based cubic inverse perovskites: a first-principles study
    M. Mattesini, M. Magnuson, F. Tasnadi, C. Höglund, I. A. Abrikosov and L. Hultman;
    Phys. Rev. B
    79 , 125122 (2009). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.125122
    Full text in Diva Full text Phys. Rev. B
  49. Electronic structure investigation of the cubic inverse perovskite Sc3AlN
    M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, C. Höglund, I. A. Abrikosov, J. Birch and L. Hultman,
    Phys. Rev. B
    78 , 235102 (2008). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.235102
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text Diva UU Full text MS2E Preprint Full text in ArXiV Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev. B
  50. Anisotropy in the electronic structure of V2GeC investigated by soft x-ray emission spectroscopy and first-principles theory
    M. Magnuson, O. Wilhelmsson, M. Mattesini, S. Li, R. Ahuja, O. Eriksson, H. Högberg, L. Hultman and U. Jansson;
    Phys. Rev. B
    78 , 035117 (2008). Editor's Suggestion DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.035117
    Full text in Diva Full text Diva UU Full text MS2E Preprint Mendeley Full text in ArXiV Researchgate Phys. Rev. B
  51. Bonding mechanism in the nitrides Ti2AlN and TiN: An experimental and theoretical investigation
    M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, S. Li, C. Höglund, M. Beckers, L. Hultman and O. Eriksson;
    Phys. Rev. B.,
    76 , 195127 (2007). DOI:
    Full text in Diva Full text MS2E Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev. B
  52. Large magnetic circular dichroism in resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the Mn L-edge of Mn-Zn ferrite
    M. Magnuson, L.-C. Duda, S. M. Butorin, P. Kuiper and J. Nordgren;
    Phys. Rev. B.,
    74 , 172409 (2006). DOI:
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev. B
  53. Electronic structure and chemical bonding in Ti2AlC investigated by soft x-ray emission spectroscopy
    M. Magnuson, O. Wilhelmsson, J. -P. Palmquist, U. Jansson, M. Mattesini, S. Li, R. Ahuja and O. Eriksson;
    Phys. Rev. B.
    74 , 195108 (2006). DOI:
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev. B
  54. Electronic structure and chemical bonding in Ti4SiC3 investigated by soft x-ray emission spectroscopy and first-principles theory
    M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, O. Wilhelmsson, J. Emmerlich, J. -P. Palmquist, S. Li, R. Ahuja, L. Hultman, O. Eriksson and U. Jansson;
    Phys. Rev. B.
    74 , 205102 (2006). DOI:
    Full text in Diva Full text MS2E Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev. B
  55. Reply to comment by S. Hüfner on NiO
    L.-C. Duda, T. Schmitt, M. Magnuson, J. Forsberg, A. Olsson, J. Nordgren, K. Okada and A. Kotani;
    Phys. Rev. Lett.
    97 , 269702 (2006). DOI:
    Full text in DiVA LiU Full text in DiVA UU Full text in PRL
  56. Uranium oxides investigated by X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies
    M. Magnuson, S. M. Butorin, L. Werme, J. Nordgren, K. Ivanov, J.-H. Guo and D. K. Shuh;
    Applied Surface Science
    252 , 5615 (2006). DOI:
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Appl. Surf. Sci.
  57. Specific production of very long-lived core-excited sulphur atoms by 2p-1sigma* excitation of the OCS molecule followed by ultrafast dissociation
    R. F. Fink, A. Escher, M. Magnuson, O. Björneholm, I. Hjelte, C. Miron, M. Bassler, S. Svensson, M N. Piancastelli and S. L. Sörensen;
    J. Phys. B
    39 , L269 (2006). DOI:10.1088/0953-4075/39/12/L03
    Full text in Diva J. Phys. B
  58. Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering at the oxygen K-resonance of NiO: non local charge transfer and double-singlet excitations
    L.-C. Duda, T. Schmitt, M. Magnuson, J. Forsberg, A. Olsson, J. Nordgren, K. Okada and A. Kotani;
    Phys. Rev. Lett.
    96 , 067402 (2006). DOI:
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Phys. Rev. Lett.
  59. Electronic structure investigation of Ti3AlC2, Ti3SiC2, and Ti3GeC2 by soft-X-ray emission spectroscopy
    M. Magnuson, J. -P. Palmquist, M. Mattesini, S. Li, R. Ahuja, O. Eriksson, J. Emmerlich, O. Wilhelmsson, P. Eklund, H. Högberg, L. Hultman and U. Jansson;
    Phys. Rev. B
    72 , 245101 (2005). DOI:
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev B
  60. Resonant Lα,β X-ray emission and L3,2 X-ray absorption spectra of 3d metals in Co2MnZ (Z=Al,Ga,Sn,Sb) Heusler alloys as anelement-selective probe of spin character of valence band
    M. V. Yablonskikh, Yu. M. Yarmoshenko, I. V. Solovyev, E. Z. Kurmaev, L.-C. Duda, T. Schmitt, M. Magnuson, J. Nordgren and A. Moewes;
    J. Elec. Spec
    144-147 , 765 (2005).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV J. Elec. Spec.
  61. Spin transition in LaCoO3 investigated by resonant soft X-ray emission spectroscopy
    M. Magnuson, S. M. Butorin, C. Såthe, J. Nordgren and P. Ravindran;
    Europhys. Lett.
    68 , 289 (2004).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Europhys. Lett.
  62. Determination of the refractive index at soft X-ray resonances
    M. Magnuson and C. F. Hague;
    J. Electr. Spec.
    137 , 519 (2004).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley J. Elec. Spec.
  63. X-ray fluorescence spectra of metals excited below threshold
    M. Magnuson, J.-E. Rubensson, N. Wassdahl, A. Föhlisch, A. Nilsson and N. Mårtensson;
    Phys. Rev. B
    68 , 045119 (2003).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev. B
  64. Electronic structure investigation of CoO by means of soft X-ray scattering
    M. Magnuson, S. M. Butorin, J.-H. Guo and J. Nordgren;
    Phys. Rev. B
    65 , 205106 (2002).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev. B
  65. Resonant soft X-ray Raman scattering of NiO
    M. Magnuson, S. M. Butorin, A. Agui and J. Nordgren;
    J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 14, 3669 (2002).

    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate J. Phys. Cond. Mat.
  66. Electronic-structure investigation of CeB6 by means of soft-X-ray scattering
    M. Magnuson, S. M. Butorin, J.-H. Guo, A. Agui, J. Nordgren, H. Ogasawara, A. Kotani, T. Takahashi and S. Kunii;
    Phys. Rev. B
    63 , 075101 (2001).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Phys. Rev. B Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate
  67. Probing surface states of Cu/Ni thin films using X-ray absorption spectroscopy
    O. Karis, M. Magnuson, T. Wiell, M. Weinelt, N. Wassdahl, A. Nilsson, N. Mårtensson, E. Holmström, A. M. N. Niklasson, O. Eriksson and B. Johansson;
    Phys. Rev. B
    63 , 113401 (2001).
    Full text in Diva Mendeley Phys. Rev B
  68. Magnetic circular dichroism in X-ray fluorescence of Heusler alloys at threshold excitation
    M. V. Yablonskikh, V. I. Grebennikov, Y. M. Yarmoshenko, E. Z. Kurmaev, S. M. Butorin, L.-C. Duda, C. Såthe, T. Käämbre, M. Magnuson, J. Nordgren, S. Plogmann, and M. Neumann;
    Solid State Commun.
    117, 79 (2001).
    Full text in Diva Full text in ArXiV Mendeley Solid State C.
  69. Spectroscopic observation of polaron-lattice band structure in the conducting polymer polyaniline
    E. Z. Kurmaev, M. I. Katsnelson, A. Moewes, M. Magnuson, J.-H. Guo, S. M. Butorin, J. Nordgren, D. L. Ederer and M. Iwami;
    J. Phys.: Cond. Mat.
    13 , 3907 (2001).
    Full text in Diva Mendeley J. Phys. Cond. M.
  70. Valence excitations observed in resonant soft X-ray emission spectra of K2Ni( CN)4·H2O at the Ni 2p edge
    Y. Takata, T. Hatsui, N. Kosugi, A. Agui, M. Magnuson, C. Såthe, J.-E. Rubensson and J. Nordgren;
    J. Electr. Spectr. Relat. Phenom.
    114-116 , 909 (2001).
    Full text in Diva Mendeley J. Elec. Spec.
  71. Observation of short- and long-range hybridization of a buried Cu monolayer in Ni
    O. Karis, M. Magnuson, T. Wiell, M. Weinelt, N. Wassdahl, A. Nilsson, N. Mårtensson, E. Holmström, A. M. N. Niklasson and O. Eriksson;
    Phys. Rev. B
    62 , R16239 (2000).
    Full text in Diva Mendeley Phys. Rev B
  72. Resonant inelastic soft-X-ray scattering at the 4d edge of Ce-based heavy-fermion materials
    S. M. Butorin, M. Magnuson, K. Ivanov, D. K. Shuh, T. Takahashi, S. Kunii, J.-H. Guo and J. Nordgren;
    J. Electr. Spec. 101-103 , 783-786 (1999).
    Full text in Diva Mendeley J. Elec. Spec.
  73. Angular-dependent resonant-photoemission processes at the 2p thresholds in nickel metal
    M. Magnuson, A. Nilsson, M. Weinelt and N. Mårtensson;
    Phys. Rev. B
    60 , 2436 (1999).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev B
  74. Competition between decay and dissociation of core-excited carbonyl sulfide studied by X-ray scattering
    M. Magnuson, J.-H. Guo, C. Såthe, J.-E. Rubensson, J. Nordgren, P. Glans, L. Yang, P. Salek and H. Ågren;
    Phys. Rev. A
    59 , 4281 (1999).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Researchgate Phys. Rev. A
  75. The electronic structure of polyaniline and doped phases studied by soft X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies
    M. Magnuson, J.-H. Guo, S. M. Butorin, A. Agui, C. Såthe, J. Nordgren and A. P. Monkman;
    J. Chem. Phys.
    111 , 4756 (1999).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate J. Chem. Phys.
  76. Resonant inelastic soft-X-ray scattering spectra at the nitrogen and carbon K-edges of poly(pyridine-2,5-diyl)
    M. Magnuson, L. Yang, J.-H. Guo, C. Såthe, A. Agui, J. Nordgren, Y. Luo, H. Ågren, N. Johansson, W. R. Salaneck, L. E. Horsburgh and A. P. Monkman;
    J. Electr. Spec.
    101-103 , 573 (1999).
    Diva LiU Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate J. Elec. Spec.
  77. Resonant Auger spectroscopy at the L2,3 shake-up thresholds as a probe of electron correlation effects in nickel
    M. Magnuson, N. Wassdahl, A. Nilsson, A. Föhlisch, J. Nordgren and N. Mårtensson;
    Phys. Rev. B
    58 , 3677 (1998).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Phys. Rev B Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev B
  78. The electronic structure of poly(pyridine-2,5-diyl) investigated by soft X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies
    M. Magnuson, L. Yang, J.-H. Guo, C. Såthe, A. Agui, J. Nordgren, Y. Luo, H. Ågren, N. Johansson, W. R. Salaneck, L. E. Horsburgh and A. P. Monkman;
    Chem. Phys.
    237 , 295 (1998).
    Diva LiU Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate JPCM
  79. Resonant and non-resonant X-ray scattering spectra of some poly(phenylenevinylene)s
    J.-H. Guo, M. Magnuson, C. Såthe, J. Nordgren, L. Yang, Y. Luo, H. Ågren, K. Z. Xing, N. Johansson, W. R. Salaneck, R. Daik and W. J. Feast;
    J. Chem. Phys.
    108 , 5990 (1998).
    Diva LiU Diva UU J. Chem. Phys.
  80. Energy dependence of Cu L2,3 satellite structures using synchrotron excited X-ray emission spectroscopy
    M. Magnuson, N. Wassdahl and J. Nordgren;
    Phys. Rev. B
    56 , 12238 (1997).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Full text in ArXiV Preprint Mendeley Researchgate Phys. Rev B
  81. Resonant photoemission at the 2p edges of Ni: resonant Raman and interference effects
    M. Weinelt, A. Nilsson, M. Magnuson, T. Wiell, N. Wassdahl, O. Karis, A. Föhlisch, N. Mårtensson, J. Stöhr and M. Samant;
    Phys. Rev. Lett.
    78 , 967 (1997).
    Full text in Diva Mendeley Phys. Rev. Lett.
  82. Coherent and incoherent processes in resonant photoemission
    N. Mårtensson, M. Weinelt, O. Karis, M. Magnuson, N. Wassdahl, A. Nilsson, J. Stöhr and M. Samant;
    Appl. Phys. A
    65 , 159 (1997).
    Full text in Diva Mendeley Appl. Phys. A
  83. Resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering from valence-band excitations in 3d° compounds
    S. M. Butorin, J.-H. Guo, M. Magnuson, and J. Nordgren;
    Phys. Rev. B
    55 , 4242 (1997).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Phys. Rev B Researchgate Mendeley
  84. Resonant photoemission and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering - coherent vs. incoherent processes
    M. Weinelt, A. Nilsson, O. Karis, M. Magnuson, T. Wiell, N. Wassdahl, N. Mårtensson, J. Stöhr, M. Samant;
    in Raman emission by X-ray scattering; Eds. D. L. Ederer and J. H. McGuire, World Scientific, 1996.

    Full text in Diva World Sci.
  85. Low-energy d-d excitations in MnO studied by resonant X-ray flourescence spectroscopy
    S. M. Butorin, J-H. Guo, M. Magnuson, P. Kuiper, and J. Nordgren;
    Phys. Rev. B
    54 , 4405 (1996).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Phys. Rev B Researchgate Mendeley
  86. Electronic structure of buried Si layers in GaAs(001) as studied by soft X-ray emission
    P. O. Nilsson, J. Kanski, J. V. Thordson, T. G. Andersson, J. Nordgren, J.-H. Guo and M. Magnuson;
    Phys. Rev B
    52 , R8643 (1995).
    Full text in Diva LiU Full text in Diva UU Phys. Rev B Researchgate Mendeley

Recent conference proceedings (full papers only)

  1. Ellipsometry of Bulk MAX-phases
    A. Mendoza-Galvin, M. Rybka, K. Järrendahl, H. Arwin, M. Magnuson, L. Hultman and M. Barsoum;

    AVS 56th Int. Symp. & Exhibition, San Jose, CA ,USA, November 8-13, (2009).

    Full text in Diva
  2. Electronic structure investigation of MAX-phases by soft x-ray emission spectroscopy
    invited paper
    at the Materials Research Society (MRS) (2007).
    Martin Magnuson MRS Proceedings, 1023 , 1023-JJ09-01 doi:10.1557/PROC-1023-JJ09-01
    Full text in Diva Mat. Res. Soc.
  3. MAX-phases investigated by soft x-ray emission spectroscopy Martin Magnuson,
    Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites II. A Collection of Papers Presented at the 30th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, p. 325-9 (2006) invited paper.
    Full text in Diva Wiley
  4. Investigation of Ti2AlC and TiC by soft x-ray emission spectroscopy Martin Magnuson,
    Journal of Physics; Conference Series, v 61, n 1 p. 760-4, (2007), invited paper at the International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology - ICN+T (2006).
    Full text in Diva IOP Sci. Post publ.

Ph.D. thesis

MBA thesis

M.Sc. thesis

Technical reports at synchrotron radiation facilities

  1. Temperature and q-dependent RIXS investigations of charge-transfer excitations in new high quality single-crystal Ba- and Nd- doped La2CuO4 films
    M. Magnuson,
    SLS report no. 2015-0461.
  2. Q-dependent RIXS investigation of low-energy excitations in single-crystal mixed valence manganese perovskites
    M. Magnuson,
    SLS report no. 2009-0148.
  3. RIXS investigation of Zhang-Rice excitations in single-crystal YBa2Cu3O7-x
    M. Magnuson,
    SLS report no. 2008-0830.
  4. Resonant and nonresonant X-ray emission of high Tc and insulating cuprates
    M. Magnuson,
    SLS report no. 2007-0455.
  5. MAX IV Conceptual Design Report (CDR)
    M. Magnuson coauthor, 2006

    Full text in Diva Researchgate
  6. Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the NiO O K-edge: non-local charge-transfer and double singlet excitations
    L.-C. Duda, T. Schmitt, M. Magnuson, J. Forsberg, A. Olsson, J. Nordgren, K. Okada and A. Kotani;

    MAX-lab activity report (2005-2006).

    MAX-lab achive
  7. Long-lived highly excited sulphur atoms produced by ultrafast dissociation of 2p-1s*-excited OCS molecules
    R. F. Fink, A. Eschner, M. Magnuson, O. Björneholm, I, Hjelte, C. Miron, M. Bässler, S. Svensson, M. N. Piancastelli and S. L. Sörensen;

    MAX-lab activity report (2005).

    MAX-lab achive
  8. Ferrimagnetic order in thin-film Fe3O4 studied by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
    C. F. Hague, L. Journel, M. Magnuson, J.-M. Mariot, M. Sacchi, M. Gautier-Soyer and S. Gota;

    ESRF report No. MI405, August (2000).

    Full text in Diva Full text at ESRF
  9. Measurements of Zn L2,3 satellites using X-ray emission spectroscopy
    M. Magnuson and J. Nordgren;

    Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor HASYLAB am Deutschen Electronen-Synchrotron, DESY, Jahresbericht (1997), I.

    Full text in Diva Post publ.
  10. Resonant and nonresonant X-ray emission spectroscopy of poly(pyridine-2,5-diyl)
    M. Magnuson, J.-H. Guo, C. Såthe, A. Agui and J. Nordgren;

    Advanced Light Source Compendium of User Abstracts and Technical Reports 1997, (published July 1998). - Report Number: LBNL-41658, UC-411, DOI: 10.2172/6402

    Full text at ALS
  11. How the phenyle rings (benzene) act as building blocks in conjugated polymers
    J.-H. Guo, M. Magnuson, C. Såthe, J. Nordgren, L. Yang, Y. Luo, H. Ågren, K. Xing, N. Johansson, W. R. Salaneck, R. Diak and W. J. Feast;

    Advanced Light Source Compendium of User Abstracts and Technical Reports 1997, (published July 1998). - Report Number: LBNL-41658, UC-411, DOI: 10.2172/6402

    Full text at ALS
  12. Coherent and incoherent processes in resonant photoemission
    M. Magnuson, O. Karis, M. Weinelt, N. Wassdahl, A. Nilsson, N. Mårtensson, J. Stöhr and M. Samant;

    Advanced Light Source Compendium of User Abstracts and Technical Reports 1993-1996 (published 1997), UC-411, Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. - Report Number: LBNL-39981.

    Full text at ALS
  13. Low-energy d-d excitations in MnO studied by resonant X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
    S. M. Butorin, J.-H. Guo, M. Magnuson, P. Kuiper and J. Nordgren;

    Advanced Light Source Compendium of User Abstracts and Technical Reports 1993-1996 (published 1997), UC-411, Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. - Report Number: LBNL-39981.

    Full text at ALS
  14. Electron Beam Evaporation Source
    M. Magnuson;
    Advanced Light Source, Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. - 1993.
    Full in Diva

Report at IFM

  1. Surface Plasmon Resonance in Thin Gold Films
    M. Magnuson;
    IFM, Linköping University, 1993.
    Full text in Diva

Technical reports at CERN

  1. Process Control Methods for Operation of Superconducting Cavities at the LEP Accelerator at CERN
    M. Magnuson;
    Full text at CERN Full text in Diva
  2. Study of Cryogenic Losses in a Liquid Helium Transfer Line
    M. Magnuson;
    Full text at CERN Full text in Diva

Recent invited talks

  1. Termination Species and Chemical Bonding in MXenes Investigated by X-ray Spectroscopy and ab initio Theory
    Current Progress in MXenes II Symposium, On the Design of Nano-Laminated Ternary Transition Metal Carbides/Nitrides (MAX Phases) and Borides (MAB Phases), and their 2D Counterparts (MXENES, MBENES) at the 44:th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL Wednesday, January 29:th (10:30-11:00 PM), 2020. Invited talk.
  2. Transition Metal Diborides Investigated by X-ray Spectroscopy and Ab-Initio Electronic-Structure Calculations
    Prediction of Crystal Structure and Related Properties II, Modeling, Genome, Informatics, and Machine Learning Symposium at the 44:nd International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL Wednesday, January 31:th (10:50-11:20 AM), 2020. Invited talk.
  3. Structure and Bonding in MAX phases and MXenes Investigated by X-ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy
    Crystalline Materials for Electrical, Optical and Medical Applications Symposium at the 43:nd International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL Wednesday, January 30:th (2:00-2:30 PM), 2019. Invited talk.
  4. Structure Properties of Transition Metal Borides Investigated by X-ray Spectroscopy and Ab-Initio Electronic-Structure Calculations
    Crystalline Materials for Electrical, Optical and Medical Applications Symposium at the 43:nd International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL Thursday, January 31:st (4:15-4:40 PM), 2019. Invited talk.
  5. Electronic Properties and Bonding in Zirconium Hydride Thin Films Investigated by X-ray Spectroscopy
    Crystalline Materials for Electrical, Optical and Medical Applications Symposium at the 42:nd International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL January 21-26, 2018. Invited talk.
  6. Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding in MXenes and MAX-phases Investigated by Density Functional Theory and X-ray Spectroscopy
    Virtual Materials Design and Ceramics Genome Symposium at the 42:nd International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL January 21-26, 2018. Invited talk.
  7. Chemical bonding and electronic-structure in MAX phases and MXenes as viewed by density functional theory and x-ray spectroscopy
    Materials Design Symposium at the 41th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), Daytona Beach, FL January 22-27, 2017. Invited talk.
  8. Electronic Structure and Chemical Bond Investigation of MAX-phases and MXenes by X-ray Spectroscopy and ab initio Calculations
    Energy Materials and Nanotechnology, EMN-meeting, San Sebastian, Spain May 19-23, 2016. Invited talk.
  9. Chemical bond investigations of MAX-phases and MXenes by ab initio calculations and soft X-ray spectroscopy
    Materials Design Symposium at the 40th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), Daytona Beach, FL January 24-29, 2016. Invited talk.
  10. Electronic structure and chemical bond investigation of MAX-phases by soft X-ray spectroscopy and ab initio calculations
    The 11th CMCEE at the Hyatt Regency in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. June 14-19 2015. Invited talk.
  11. Self-doping interactions between planes and chains in the metal-to-superconductor transition of YBa2Cu3O6.9
    The 11th CMCEE at the Hyatt Regency in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. June 14-19 2015. Invited talk.
  12. Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding in Carbides and Nitrides from X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
    Fysikdagarna, Svenska Fysikersamfundet, Alba Nova Oct. 9, 2014. Invited talk.
  13. The Electronic-Structure Origin of the Anisotropic Thermopower of Nanolaminated Ti3SiC2 Determined by Polarized X-ray Spectroscopy and Seebeck Measurements
    Ultrahigh Temperature Ceramics (UHTCs) and Nanolaminated Ternary Carbides and Nitrides (MAX-phases) at the 37th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), Daytona Beach, FL, January 29, 2013. Invited talk.
  14. EXAFS and Anisotropic Electronic Structure Studies of MXenes
    invited colloquium talk at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, January 24, 2013.
  15. Anisotropy in the Electronic Structure of Cr2GeC Probed by X-ray Emission Spectroscopy in Comparison to ab initio Calculations
    Ultrahigh Temperature Ceramics (UHTCs) and Nanolaminated Ternary Carbides and Nitrides (MAX-phases) at the 36th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), Daytona Beach, FL, January 27, 2012. Invited talk.
  16. X-ray absorption spectroscopy on MXene
    invited colloquium talk at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, January 20, 2012.
  17. Growth, anisotropy and electrical transport properties of Cr2GeC films;
    invited colloquium talk at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, January 20, 2012.
  18. Anisotropy in the Electronic Structure of Nanolaminates Probed by X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
    Materials for Extreme Environments: Ultrahigh Temperature Ceramics (UHTCs) and Nanolaminated Ternary Carbides and Nitrides (MAX-phases) at the 35th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), Daytona Beach, FL, January 26, 2011. Invited talk.
  19. Anisotropy in the electronic structure of Mn+1AXn-phases probed by x-ray emission spectroscopy in comparison to ab initio calculations
    Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Shenyang, China, August 20, 2010. Invited talk.
  20. Investigation of ternary carbides and nitrides by soft x-ray emission spectroscopy
    invited colloquium talk at Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, May 5, 2009. Invited talk.
  21. Electronic Structure Investigation of carbides and nitrides by soft x-ray emission spectroscopy
    invited colloquium talk at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, April 24, 2009. Invited talk.
  22. Electronic Structure Investigation of MAX-phases by Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
    Invited talk at the Materials Research Society (MRS), San Francisco, CA, April 9-13:e 2007. Invited talk.