Welcome to Martin Magnuson's Science photo webpage (in progress)



X-ray emission and absorption spectroscopy measurements at synchrotron radiation facilities

I1011 at MAX-lab XMCD measurements with LHe cooling at beamline I1011at MAX-lab, Lund in 2012 by Martin Magnuson et al. (click on photo to enlarge).

I511_MAX-lab at MAX-lab Martin Magnuson performing RIXS measurements at beamline I511 at MAX-lab, Lund in 2010 (click on photo to enlarge).

RIXS_ADRESS Martin Magnuson performing RIXS measurements at the ADRESS beamline at the Swiss Light Source at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland, November, 2009 (click on photo to enlarge).

Surface_station From left to right: Peter Bennich and Martin Magnuson measuring RIXS and RPES at the 'Surface Station' at beamline 8.0 at the Advanced Light Sourse, LBNL, Berkeley, USA in 1994 (click on photo to enlarge).

ALS_LBNL Views over Berkeley and the Bay Area taken by Martin Magnuson in the spring 1994. The Advanced Light Source (ALS) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is seen at the left, above the University of California - Berkeley (click on photo to enlarge).

Revolver_undulator The 'Revolver Undulator' at beamline BW3 at DORIS, HASYLAB, Hamburg in 1993 (click on photo to enlarge). With this type of undulator, magnets with different magnetic periods could be rolled into place.

Hamburg_station From left to right: Thomas Wiell, Jinghua Guo and Martin Magnuson setting up the 'Hamburg Station' at beamline BW3 at DORIS, HASYLAB, Hamburg in 1993 (click on photo to enlarge).

LEP_cavities Martin Magnuson during the installation of modules with superconducting niobium cavities in the Large Electron Positron (LEP) Collider tunnel 170m under ground level at CERN in 1991 (click on photo to enlarge).